Guitar Lessons in Liverpool
Hello! My name is Jay and I’m a professional guitar teacher with over 40 years of experience in all popular and classical styles.
I teach students of all ages in guitar and music theory, from beginner to advanced levels.
Based within walking distance of Hunts Cross Station in South Liverpool, my tuition is convenient, has easy parking and is accessible to pupils from all over the city and in the North West.
About me
John Loughran, (Jay)
I am a professional musician with over 30 years of performing, composing and teaching experience. I actively work with many musicians and perform a variety of material. As a songwriter, I also arrange, play and produce my own work.
I have worked as a session musician and musical director for numerous European bands in the now defunct Aluna Studios in Amsterdam.
I have now settled in my native Liverpool where I am the co-founder along with Paul Costello of the electric Living Music Project. I am also the composer and arranger for the Kat 'n' Kave, a three-piece instrumental rock band. Members of the band consist of myself on guitar, Michael Weisman from Israel on drums and Elijah John Jacques from Chicago USA on bass.
I have also collaborated with Partha Bose from India as part of Living Music, and as a guitarist with straight ahead fusion band Skunk-a-deliic.
8 years teaching
40 years playing
My latest project is playing in a three-piece band called Guitar Playing Giraffes. Check us out in the following video:
Accompanying me is Polish drummer Andrew Ryaski and various international bass players.
I am also owner of HillyHopper Publishing which looks after the catalogue of my music, at present on its seventh CD release.
Have you played for years...
…yet think you are not as good as you would really like to be?
I have helped guitarists who were frustrated with their playing even after thirty years of trying.
YouTube Videos
Smokey Robinson ‘Tracks of my tears’ - G
Nile Rogers ‘Good Times’ - E
Oasis and ‘Wonderwall’ lesson - G
The Who - A classic lesson
Mike Oakfield ‘Moonlight shadow’ - solo
The Blues Scale - Beginners lesson
Intro - ‘Won’t get fooled again’ and E major pentatonic lesson
Thin Lizzy - ‘Whiskey in the jar’ Eric Bell six-string

"If you want to learn to play the guitar Jay is definitely your man. However, dare to aspire to more and he will also teach you about music, about why some things work whilst others don’t, and how good music can best be structured. Having played on and off for 35 years, I believed my playing was locked in with little further to be gained. But chancing across Jay’s advert a year ago I decided to give it a try - and my playing has improved significantly ever since. In that time I’ve rediscovered my love for the guitar and expanded my musical taste and repertoire. Jays lessons are relaxed, informative and enjoyable, I can’t recommend him highly enough.”
- Steve Lomax, current pupil